I Failed Overhead Press!
I did have a failed rep on Overhead Press. Not a huge deal. I just couldn't get the rep up.
Fat to Fit: Week 11
This week I come at you from like 2 minutes after recording Week 10... Yeah it is what it is. Turns out working full time and being a dad take a lot of time. Who would've guessed? Anyway, things are still chugging along in this week's rendition of my "Captain's Log".
I did have a failed rep on Overhead Press. Not a huge deal. I just couldn't get the rep up. In Stronglifts that means you get an extra rest time between sets and then you keep the same weight for the next 3 times you do that exercise. Unless you complete them all then you can continue to progress. If you continue to fail, then you may have to deload a bit and then keep trying.
Overhead press is typically the lift that most people (including myself) fail first. It is pretty much to be expected. No big deal.
My weight is still hovering around where it has been for a while so nothing much to say there. However I have noticed a difference in my appearance. Especially if I compare to the first couple videos. (If you watch the outro and compare it to the rest of the video you can really see it. Especially in my face.) My cheeks are less rounded and I am getting a bit less muffin top chub. So as frustrating as the stupid scale can be I am making progress. Might be more reason for people like me to do measurements of waist and stuff instead of just relying on the scale. Oh well.
Thanks again to all the new people who are here. If you haven't seen already the "What is Health Anyway?" video is now out. You can watch it here if you'd like. More things are in the works that I think you people will enjoy. Let me know if you have anything you'd like to see or hear my opinions on and I will see what I can make happen. Thanks again motivators!